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Mokhnenko alkoholism
This trend of alcoholism and drug addiction is often accompanied by mistreatment, neglect, and exploitation of Ukraine's children. Not to mention, Ukraine is In 2000, Gennadiy Mokhnenko, along with his wife and other members of their congregation, began delivering food to children on the streets. They were shocked.
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May 23, 2016 In a country ripped apart by war, Gennadiy Mokhnenko fights to protect his city and the children who live in it. “This was a result of massive unemployment, a spike in alcoholism, depression, things like that where the family structure [broke down],” says Hoover, who won the Sundance Grand Jury Prize .
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Malá Ola od svého narození, nikdy v životě neviděla čistotu a dostatečnou pozornost svých rodičů. V domě, kde bydlela se svou matkou a dalšími příbuznými, byl naprostý nedostatek hygieny – špína, prázdné láhve a odpadky tam ležely mnoho let. Dospělí členové rodiny pili hodně alkohol, ale když se pracovnice sociální .
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23. März 2014 Gennadiy Mochnenko und seine Gemeinde haben inzwischen mehrere Rehazentren für Alkohol- und Drogenabhängigen eingerichtet, sowie einige Waisenheime für Kinder, die auf der Straße lebten und größtenteils ebenfalls drogenabhängig waren. Gennadiy Mokhnenko, der Hauptprotagonist unserer .
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Aug 26, 2016 Pastor Gennadiy Mokhnenko, whose life is being made into a film, has adopted 32 children and rescued dozens more from a life on the streets. Gennadiy, 48, says he could identify with the trauma the youngsters had been through as he had battled to save his own parents from chronic alcoholism.
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Jul 4, 2015 PENTECOSTAL GENNADY MOKHNENKO DECLARED ON UKRAINIAN TV THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO PERSONALLY LIQUIDATE VLADIMIR Christians in the West for decades were decrying the horrendous rate of abortions and alcoholism in the USSR, but now they are pointing out our own faults.
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Aug 23, 2016 Many of the nation's youth succumbed to drug addiction and alcoholism while losing their homes. Ukranian pastor Gennadiy Mokhnenko took matters into his own hands, forcibly remov- ing children from the streets or unsuitable homes and taking them to his rehab and housing facility, Pilgrim Republic.
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