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Alkohoolikute ravi ja rehabiliteerimise 12-astmelised programmid

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Dec 12, 2012 Sitar virtuoso and composer Ravi Shankar died after undergoing heart surgery aged 92 on 11 December 2012. Shankar will be remembered in two strikingly different ways. First and foremost, he was probably the greatest sitar-player of post-Independence India. Secondly, he was principally responsible for .Dec 13, 2012 His music transcended trends and cultural barriers. Pandit Ravi Shankar's life, which traversed nearly a century, ended Tuesday.Pandit Ravi Shankar (bengali রবি শংকর, रविशंकर; ("Pandit" tähendab sanskriti keeles "õpetatud" ning on aunimetus); kodanikunimega Rabindra Shankar Chowdhury; 7. aprillil 1920 Varanasi Bengal – 11. detsember 2012 San Diego USA) oli bengali päritolu India sitarimängija ja helilooja. Ravi Shankar õppis sitarimängu .Ravi Shankar, KBE born Rabindra Shankar Chowdhury, his name often preceded by the title Pandit ('Master'), was a Bengali Indian musician and a composer of Hindustani classical music. He was one of the best-known proponents of the sitar in the second half of the 20th century and influenced many other musicians .Apr 7, 2016 Ravi Shankar, the man who made traditional Indian sitar music popular worldwide, didn't shoot to fame overnight. The musician—who was born on this day, April 7, in 1920—first began performing when he was just 14. But not on the sitar. Rather, he was a dancer in the troupe of his then-more-famous .

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