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When ja nai desu ka/ja arimasen ka じゃないですか・じゃありませんか follows a verb/adjective/copula, it is used to mean “isn't it (the case that…)?” The lack of ん, as was the case before, indicates greater confidence in one's statement being right in the first place. This may follow any of the conjugations we've studied thus far, ."Ja nai desu. 2679 – October 20, 2010, 3:10 pm. sory for the name of the post, my keyboard had some blocked pads and it took some wrong commands. I wanted to make the name of the topic: "ja nai desu" vs "ja arimasen". As the title should say, I want to know which is the difference between "ja arimasen" and "ja nai desu" .Sort of unrelated but. I post newer lessons in the General Duolingo thread to catch the attention of beginners. I'm wondering though if I shouldn't go ahead and switch the older lessons to the Japanese forum. Whatcha think.

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